Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Don't Do This Mistake, No Matter Of How You Like A Girl

There is nothing more intoxicating than love. But as a guy, no matter how a feeling love has overwhelmed you, avoid these 3 mistakes.

(1). Avoid using money to impress a girl. No matter how financially balanced you are, don't impress a girl with money because you like her. For a girl to be devoted to a relationship, she has to become emotionally connected to you. And for that to happen, you have to leave money aside and see that she truly likes you for who you are. Then, you can spend on her as it pleases you. Otherwise, by placing yourself as a financial provider first, you are likely to attract girls who value money over a genuine relationship.
(2). Avoid being desperate because you like a girl. Some guys, just to raise their standard so that a girl will like them, they will borrow clothes, tell lies here and there, and make life difficult for themselves by thinking of how they will keep up with pretense every day. See, If a girl likes you for who you are, you will have rest of mind. Trust and value will also be there. So, avoid being a person you are not because of girls, it leads to so many things.

(3). Lastly, avoid giving up your dreams because of a girl. Being in a relationship is nice and helpful at times but always know who you are, where you came from, and where you are going in life. If a relationship or the girl you're dating is not moving you forward, quit it the relationship. Don't allow pleasures to ruin what the future has for you. So many guys tried it and ended up blaming the girls, but the real issue started the day they forgot their selves. Before you met her, there were plans, keep them alive!
This is life, if you avoid these three things mentioned above, you will still find a girl who will strengthen you and love you for who you are.

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