It's very possible to have a good relationship that people will be talking about. it all depends on the maturity of both spouse.
Below are 15 way to keep your relationship happy!
1. Love each other: love is one thing that brings two people together. the love for your partner should never go down for any reason.
2. Don't lie: do not hesitate to kill lie totally from your relationship. be a man, woman of integrity to your spouse.
3. Keep communication open: maintain your communication in marriage very open do not go silent against your spouse no matter the situation.
4. Stay sweet: Staying sweet include dressing well. Keeping yourself neat, maintain romantic life.
5. When you get hurt, just forgive and forget: do not let your hurt stay long in your heart. dont keep your pains within yourself, talk to your spouse.
6. Never talk about breakups: do not use Breakup as a tools to intimidate your spouse. Breaking up should not come in-between you and your partner.
7. Never say it's OK even when you know it's not: do not pretend to be happy with your spouse. clear your heart be real.
8. Forget about "Pride" pride destroys relationship. avoid anything that will break your relationship because of your pride
9. If you say sorry, mean it: one of the problems in relationship is that some of us lie to be sorry when our actions say the otherwise.
10. Don't compare your past with your present: comparing your past is like going backwards in life.
11. Don't talk about your stupid Ex's: don't bring the story of your Ex into your marriage because that make cause you pains, or your partner pains.
12. Give and take process: giving to your spouse should be the responsibility of the both spouse.
13. Beware of his/her feelings: it's very important to have a total understanding about your spouse feelings so that you can feel it with love.
14. When you have misunderstanding/fight, don't allow it to extend to the next day. dont even go to the bed without making peace first, because challenges are part of relationship.
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