Monday, November 02, 2020

Dear women if your doing these things please continue, men love it


There are some things women do that men like, and cherish so much. Some women don't know these things and they find it hard to please their man. 

Below are 7 things women are doing that men like.

1. When a woman smile.

Men really like it a lot when a woman smile, it make them feel comfortable whenever they're around such lady. Women who smile a lot get men attention easily than those who just frown and take everything too serious.

2. When a woman is hardworking.

The situation of our country now is really frustrating, we are just trying to survive, and still there are some women who can't stand alone without asking money from other guys. Truth be told, men really hate it whenever a woman is always asking them for money. He might give you, but not wholeheartedly. Men love it when a woman is hardworking and career oriented, not someone who collect money from them. 

3. When a woman is straight forward.

A woman that is open enough, not keeping secrets from her partner will be loved by her man. Men really like it whenever a woman is straight forward, especially when they're in a relationship. Men hate it when a woman is also deceiving them.

4. When a woman is romantic.

You can easily identity a woman that is romantic by her body language. The way she talk, move, walk, will all be romantic and men really like it. I'm not saying you should be cheap, but be romantic a bit and use your head instead of your heart.

5. A woman who knows how to cook well.

A woman who can cook well is what a man want, not the one that always decide to eat at the restaurant. If you don't know how to cook, it is better to learn it before it is too late and if you're not good at cooking, it will be nice you also know how to do that well.

6. A woman who is not selfish.

Most of these women out there are selfish and self centred that they only consider themselves and don't bother about others. This is very bad and I don't think any man will like such woman. A woman who is not selfish will consider herself and the people around her no matter what.

7. A woman who doesn't cheat on their man.

A woman who is loyal to her partner will be forever loved and cherished. She will never for once consider cheating on her partner. That's the kind of a woman men like, not the vice versa.

If you're doing these things, please continue men really like it.

If there are other things women do that you as a man like, please share it with us through the comment box.

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